When osteopaths examine babies, areas of tension are often found in the spine or head, which may be indications that the baby is uncomfortable. A baby cannot complain of tummy ache or headache, and will typically express this by crying and being unsettled or irritable. 

Babies can be treated from birth as the type of treatment given is very gentle.  

As with adults, it is necessary to take a full case history and make a thorough examination. However, it is sometimes necessary to change the order of the proceedings to accommodate the baby's needs, to allow treatment to happen as soon as possible in case the baby becomes restless.

Where possible, it is advisable to make an appointment for a time of day when your baby is most likely to be fairly settled.  Babies are most easily treated whilst sleeping or feeding, and it is quite acceptable to feed your baby by breast or bottle during treatment.

With older babies or young children, it is wise to bring some sort of distraction, such as a toy or book to keep them occupied whilst treatment is taking place.  

Tel:  020 8954 3967